
Anti-Flag - 20/20 Vision
Anti-Flag - Lies They Tell Our Children
BillyBio - Leaders And Liars
Buried Alive - Death Will Find You (EP)
Cancer Bats - Psychic Jailbreak
Cold As Concrete - Antisocial
Counterparts - A Eulogy For Those Still Here
Devil May Care - Divine Tragedy
Dirge - Vanishing Point
Grace.Will.Fall - Barren By Design
Hatebreed - Weight Of The False Self
Ignite - Ignite
In Hearts Wake veröffentlichen die neue Single "Worldwide Suicide" für den guten Zweck - nur ein Mausklick
Kings Never Die - The Life & Times
Lionheart - Live At Summer Breeze
Nasty - Heartbreak Criminals
New Hate Rising - As One (EP)
New Hate Rising - Miles
Nord.End - A Okay (EP)
NordEND - #Gegenwind
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