THE CRUEL INTENTIONS managed a vertical take-off within the last two years. They were on "Idiots on Tour" through Europe from October 2 to October 13, together with CRASHDÏET und HIGHRIDE. One stop on their way was at Nachtleben in Frankfurt on October 6. Lizzy Devine (Lead Vocals, Guitar), Kristian Solhaug (Leadguitar), Mats Wernerson (Bass) und Robin Nilsson (Drums) were available for a little interview with Neckbreaker.
Manu: Thank you for taking the time for this very spontaneous interview. For our readers, who do not know you yet, how would you describe the band?
Lizzy: It`s a Rock ’n’ Roll Band out of Norway. But we are three Swedish guys and one Norwegian guy. We`re just a f***n high energy Rock ‘n’ Roll band.
Mats: Drunk and Dirty Rock ‘n’ Roll
Lizzy: Sober and Clean!
Manu: So how does a Norwegian band end up with three Swedish guys?
Kristian: We were actually two Norwegians and two Swedes in the beginning. And one Norwegian quit so we had to get another guy
Lizzy: I had lived in the United States for many years and my girl wanted to move back to Sweden. She had many friends in Norway and one of them was Mats. We started drinking and came up with this great f***n idea of starting a band, so after a while it was easier for me to relocate in Norway, so we could go harder and faster. And Kristian was in Oslo, Norway as well.
Mats: He was an old friend of mine.
Kristian: I had played together with Mats in other bands previously.
Manu: Which bands did you play together in?
Kristian: Me and Mats played together in a band called GOTHAM SAINTS. Other than that, I have played in a band called TROUBLE CIRCUS and BLOODLIGHTS.
Lizzy: Our first drummer was also living in Oslo, so it was perfect for me to move there. Then he quit and we found a perfect, ultimate drummer in southern Sweden. So now we go back and forth all the time. Long answer and not very clear…
Manu: Can we expect, that you are now settling with this line-up, after a couple of member changes on the drums?
Kristian: Absolutely, we are now a well oiled rock n roll machine!
Manu: It`s interesting to see that in the 21th century the possibilities of the internet really don`t make it necessary anymore to be together at one place to write some good music, right? How does that all work for you? Can you describe your song writing process?
Kristian: Very true, the world has gotten smaller and with internet you can communicate no matter where you are located. Ideas and communication is done digitally, which is great. The songwriting process is usually started with an idea from some of us, and the builds on with inputs and bits from all of us, topped of with lyrics from Lizzy and then fine tune it all together. Mats and Lizzy are the main composers who writes and completes the song from idea to demo, with me and Robin adding on our parts and ideas. Some songs come from this and other starts with a jam or just puzzling together different ideas into one song. Something like that anyway
Manu: And now you ended up touring with two Swedish bands
Lizzy: Yeah, I think they are full on Swedish. Great bands and awesome to be around.
Kristian: They are super helpful and really nice guys, a perfect match actually,
Lizzy: Super fun, super professional and as dirty as we are, cause the bus smells bad.
Mats: The bus is a mess
Manu: I have known Peter from HIGHRIDE for more than ten years now
Lizzy: Oh really, he is a really fun guy
Robbe: High energy package
Manu: Its actually the first time I am seeing them live
Kristian: Oh really?
Lizzy: Then you are in for a treat, f**n awesome.
Manu: So how did this tour happen?
Lizzy: I have no idea actually, I think it was Mats
Mats: Martin Sweet, one of the founding fathers of CRASHDIET and Swedish sleaze, and I had been talking about it for a long time on e-mail. He said we are going to have a package of the dirtiest bands around and you guys fit perfectly
Manu: My idea was that maybe you had come up with that idea when you both played the Sleaze Fest last year?
Mats: No, it started way before that.
Kristian: When we met them sometimes we joked about it, lets do some gigs together or even a tour maybe. So its always been in the air. We are really good friends with them
Manu: So I guess you are having a lot of fun on the tour together
All: Yes! A lot of fun
Kristian: Everyone gets along really well
Lizzy: Noboday has died yet!
Kristian: Not yet, but someone might…
Manu: Its almost a year since you have released “No Sign Of Relief”, your first album. What has happened since then?
Lizzy: Playing shows, writing more music, having a good time basically
Mats: We haven’t been stressing. We are just promoting this album, because it is such a good album. We have been promoting it for a year and we will do for a couple more months.
Lizzy: From now on ten years!
Mats: And then the next album will come in, in 2020 or something
Manu: I don`t think you are exaggerating, I too think it was one of the best albums last year
Mats: Oh yeah? Thank you very much
Lizzy: Cool!
Manu: Is it true that you actually weren`t up for releasing an album at all? And if so, why did you change your mind?
Kristian: At first we were pretty happy with releasing singles with video, but it came clear after a while that we needed a full length album, aswell as something physical. It was time, I guess. People were asking for an album, and we became more and more ready for it. An album is more of a statement.
Manu: What in your opinion has been the greatest response to / greatest quote on your debut album?
Kristian: One of the best quotes I can think of is that the reviewer names us and the album as a game changer in the music industry, like SEX PISTOLS with "Never Mind The Bollocks and NIRVANA with "Nevermind". One reviewer also labeled us as a modern mix between GUNS 'N ROSES and HANOI ROCKS, which is pretty cool in my ears
Manu: And what was the weirdest thing or comparison?
Kristian: Don’t want to sound boring, but can’t think of any for the minute. But there was one review that just didn’t get it, think it was a black metal webzine so Im not surprised (laughs)
"One of the best quotes I can think of is that the reviewer names us and the album as a game changer in the music industry, like SEX PISTOLS with "Never Mind The Bollocks and NIRVANA with "Nevermind"
Kristian Solhaug about one of his favorite responsed to the debut album
Manu: So what are the next plans? Apart from touring and promoting
Kristian: The plan is to write the next album
Robbe: We are in the middle of writing album number two and we have come pretty far. We have some shows booked for next year already
Kristian: Its Rock in Progress
Manu: Since you like to put out singles, can you give a little sneak preview for what your fans are about to expect next?
Kristian: I don’t want to promise anything but we have started the writing process, so we’ll see I guess!
Mats: We are pretty active on social media, just follow along. We show it all!
Kristian: There is no filters!
Robbe: So just check us out on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify and come to the shows!
Manu: You wrote that your first night was very chaotic. What happened?
Kristian: That was mainly because we were four hours delayed at the airport. So we got to the venue and had just two hours to fix everything and hit the stage without a soundcheck. But it turned out really good.
Manu: So it was just chaotic in advance but not the show itself…
Lizzy: I do actually not remember
Manu: Why is that?
Lizzy: I don`t remember!
Mats: I don`t remember to remember
Kristian: We had a great show and audience. It was a bit rushed, but when we were on stage it was fine
Manu: What would you say is the hottest and dirtiest newcoming band in Oslo right now - apart from THE CRUEL INTENTIONS?- hmm, difficult question, for my part, I would have to say The Good The Bad And The Zugly, but then again they are not that new, but starting to become bigger at the moment.
Manu: Is there anything you want to say to your german fans?
Kristian: We like being in Germany, because everyone likes Rock
Mats: Very nice culture and people are crazy
Manu: Thank you so much for your time
All: Thank you!
[Foto Credit: Manu / Promo Fotos: THE CRUEL INTENTIONS]